Friday, June 8, 2012

1st ever Podcast coming soon!!

     I have been in the works now for several months with a very good friend Jimmy Beltz (he who named me Noodle Nazi) on getting a Podcast together. Jimmy is also the individual who convinced me to start this web page.

Now Jimmy is a Photographer and teacher of photography by trade, and he does his own Podcast and let me tell you that he is good. No he is real good, and he has been gracious enough to lend his support and expertise to get this new venture off the ground. The Podcast will involve us scouring the internet looking for the best recipes and showing you how to cook them in your own kitchen. Now this process may take a little time as we don't just want to throw up any old thing just to make a Podcast we will be trying it first, and if it makes the cut we will bring it to you. We are trying a recipe this Monday 6/11/2012 and we are looking at the first Podcast going up in about two weeks. The web sight is going to go through some real drastic changes in the coming future so stay tuned for those.
    Oh I almost forgot go and check out Jimmy's PhotoTips sight even if you don't do photography he is one funny and insightful guy. And if you are into photography defiantly go and see his sight you won't regret it!

Well until next time:

Love, Peace & Chicken Grease.

(aka: The Noodle Ninja)

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