Thursday, July 19, 2012

Loosing the battle, no more!

Ok this post is slightly related to food, well more to the point what happens when you eat too much of it. Now I love food, all kinds of food. I like to try new things, and experiment, and that is one of the problems I have. No the pic at the beginning is not me. I would never subject you to that. Needless to say that one is better then mine. 

Pic found at

     When I was growing up in Colorado I started off as a plump baby. My mother has a picture of me sitting on a stool in a pair of brown paints and a yellow turtleneck and I was chunky. My mother says I was Solid. I say I was fat. But as I started to grow, I thinned out. Becoming, in the words of my family, a skeleton. During this time I made a statement that my mother now constantly reminds me of, that said, "I'm never going to get big like my Dad!"  
Well to those naysayers I say BEWARE! I was skinny all through school and while I was in the Navy. When I got married I weighed 175 pounds, and stood 6'6" tall, like I said a toothpick. While in the Navy I got hurt, got diagnosed with Post Traumatic Headache Syndrome which went into Chronic Migraines. I had a surgery to try to help with that and now have a plate in my head.

 I became less and less active during my med-board, medical discharge, and in civilian life. I kept getting jobs that had me sitting at a desk. I lost weight when I went to collage, but now my line of work has me sitting at a computer a majority of the time. That coupled with video games, eating and cooking to make a living, not to mention....ok I'll say it....I'm lazy. All of these things help contribute to me slowly putting on weight. 

Now I knew I was over weight, but my doctor only said that I should try to loose some weight, so I did "Try" off and on for years. It's not like I don't know how to loose weight, the theory is simple take in less calories then you expend. Simple right? Yeah right. I have lots of "book" knowledge from collage, and personal research. I even have lots of workout equipment I have collected throughout the years. And I have I dabbled at fitness since I qualified (but never went) for the Navy SeALs (a whole different story there). Now my Cholesterol was high but is now under control with meds, so that didn't really worry me. But what got me happened today. 

I weighed myself for the first time in about 2 or 3 months and I couldn't believe my eyes, so much so that I took a picture of the scale (pic below). Now you probably cant read what's on the read out too well since I used my iPhone and an app called Gorillacam but it reads 304.4 lbs. on it. I had been feeling a little down before I weighed myself, and this didn't help. But while I was trolling the internet for news to put on this sight I realized that all the things I keep telling my son, now more then ever, pertained to me: "You got your self into this now get yourself out", "Only you can do something about it.", and "Put the fork down!". Ok that last one isn't one I said to my son, just thought about with other people, but it still applies to me. 

Read out is 304.4

    All of this to say this I WILL GET BACK INTO SHAPE AND STAY THAT WAY!!! That being said no this sight will not go all healthy. Yes I will do some more "healthier" recipes but I will put those good tasting not so good for you ones on as well. I'm going to put a page on the sight recording my progress and journey.  But unless it is significant the posts on that page will not make it to the main Blog, so if you want to see how I'm doing you will have to go to (The road to a fitter me.) in the nav-bar.

Well until next time....

Love, Peace, & Chicken Grease.

(aka: The Noodle Ninja)  

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