Thursday, May 10, 2012

Great Fajita's

Well I've been down with a Migraine now for 5 days and it is still going on. But as we all know even though you may be down the family and yourself still need to eat. We had chicken down and I had no idea what I was going to do with it because I didn't want to have to stand in the kitchen all night. While looking in the dry goods cabinet and came across this marinade I have used before for Bar-B-Q.
The Marinade is made by Claude's and is the Fajita Marinating sauce. This marinade has an almost overpowering smoky flavor, that you can literally smell as soon as you open the bottle. That smokiness transfer well to the meat. I don't recommend letting the meat marinade over night as the meat tends to get a leathery texture and becomes over salty (yes I tried it), but a couple of hours does the trick. As I said before I have used it before for Bar-B-Q as the base, and then basting the meat with the BBQ sauce. This time I Marinaded the chicken meat for two hours and then grilled. After letting the meat rest for fifteen minutes I sliced it thinly against the grain and put lime juice on it. I served it with caramelized onions and peppers. I posted a pic of the bottle to help you find it at the store, it had a smoky yellow anti tampering packaging over the cap as well.  I liked it and so did my family, I hope you do too.

Love Peace and Chicken Grease.
(aka: The Noodle Ninja)

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