Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Get the Freshest Veggies.

   Summer is here and it is the best time to get fruits and veggies. We all know that Veggies are good for us and that we need to be eating more of them, but many times the selection at the store looks questionable at best. There are two major answers for this dilemma...
Pic found at  care2.com

    Those are 1) Grow it yourself, and 2) The Farmers Market. Both have the pros and cons. Growing your own, you know what pesticides and chemicals were used and there is a sense of pride when you are eating your own fresh fruits and veggies. Seeds are cheep, and the harvest is bountiful. However if you don't have the time to truly take care of the garden, what you will probably only grow, is frustrated. Growing your own also takes a lot of water, knowledge, and patience. You need to know if your soil is acidic, neutral, or basic some plants won't grow in cretin types of soil. There are so many other things to know, it's staggering, but if you have the time and the internet you can figure those things out.

    With Farmers Markets you have many of the same problems as you have with the chain stores. You don't know who grew it, or what was used on it, but the major up side is the freshness of the product. The grower has done all the research and hard work and you get to eat the fruits of their labor, for a price of course. The prices are sometimes more at the Farmers Market than at the chain store, but cook with fresh fruits and veggies and you will taste the difference. I personally do both. I grow my own and use the Farmers Market. Well I usually do. Last year, where I live, I tried to do a garden but we had such a drought that everything died. This year I didn't have the heart to try again, so I will us my Farmers Market a lot this year as well. But next year I will definitively be growing my own garden again. Just remember Fresh is Better!!

If you live in the U.S. and would like to know where a Farmers market is in your area go to this Link for the USDA sight, and put in your zip code.

Love, Peace, & Chicken Grease.

(aka: The Noodle Ninja)

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